Ditos Escritos

A palavra escrita é a mais pura expressão do pensamento, ou melhor, de um sentimento... Escrever é mostrar-se, expor-se, colocar-se, marcar sua passagem pela vida... Este espaço é para quem, como eu, gosta de ler... e de escrever...

Sunday, November 12, 2006



You said to me: "Run to me if ever you've got rain in your heart".
You told me that I had to run to you whenever I had got rain in my heart.

You said to me: "Run to me when someone has hurted you and torned you apart".
You told me that I had to run to you when someone had hurted me and torned me apart.

You said that you were unwise to open up my eyes to love you. And you told that I couldn't care if they said it would be you loving me and me loving you.

You said to me: "Run to me whenever you're lonely".
You told me that I had to run to you whenever I was lonely.

You said to me: "Run to me if you need a shoulder".
You told me that I had to run to you if I needed a shoulder.
"... if you need someone older, run to me..."

You said to me: "When you've out in the cold, no one beside you and no one to hold, run to me..."

And you told me that I had to run to you when I had got nothing to lose, nothing to pay for and nothing to choose; that you were unwise to open up my eyes to love you.

But I can't. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry, but I can't.
I can't just because you are a non-existent person, unfortunately...

Eliete Ramos Pereira
1980/ First of May


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